"KOMA Shipping Services Ltd." is ingaged in transport service in Murmansk(Russia) since 1997. In general Company is aimed at ship's management. Two vessels are presently under our management. These are m/v "Amaliya" and "Ekaterina" (Vessels' description).
Also , we exclusively recruit crew on above vessels. Our service in recruiting and employment of sailors is licenced by Federal Immigration Service of Russian Federation and certified under ISO 9001-2008 and MLC2006.
Sailors, recruited via our Company , could be absolutely ensured that they obtain qualified service during employment and find conditions of work and rest on board the ship , which fully comply to actual international rules and standarts .
Seaman's Employment Contracts , wage accounting and payment are executed in full accordance with terms and requiremens of the International Transport Workers' Federation(ITF) and Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC2006) .
For serving on board the ships under our management we employ qualified sailors with certificates and licenses issued by organizations certified by Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation.
For inserting in our database with further recruitng, you should download our application , fill it in and send to email address, which is indicated in application.
In case of any questions pls contact us using following phone:+7-8152-45-44-69 .